We are serving up good vibes for finals! It can be a challenging time but remember, you got this! 
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Block 75
  • 75 Meals Per Semester
  • $50 Dining Dollars
  • Price is Per Semester

The Block 75 Meal Plan provides you with 75 meals per semester to enjoy at our all-you-care-to-eat dining halls, including the Fresh Food Company and the Farmers Market. This plan is available to students with 60-89 credit hours, seniors, and commuters. Additionally, you'll receive $50 in Dining Dollars, which can be used at any Mercer Dining location listed here. If you purchase a spring meal plan, any unused Dining Dollars from the fall will carry over.

How to Purchase or Change Your Plan

To purchase or switch to this plan, visit the Office of Auxiliary Services or click 'Sign-Up Now' to be redirected to the my.mercer portal.